We believe that the longstanding future of hdesign is best assured by respecting the interests of the whole community: our customers, our employees, and our supply chain
Many companies within the furnishing industry merely pay lip service to the question of ‘sustainability’, with their policies hidden away in the small print. At hdesign, we believe transparency is the best policy. We are proud to present our responsibilities front and centre – so please use this page to find out more about the principles we follow and the actions we take across all three of our companies to ensure we are doing the very best for our people, our products and our environment.
Across our company and in every process, we ensure that h design meets all relevant legislation. This includes proactively updating our practices to ensure we constantly align with the highest legislative standards.
We actively encourage the involvement of our employees in charity initiatives. Where a team member is involved in regular volunteering, or wishes to take part in a one-off event, h design supports their time out of the office in recognition of the importance of giving back to our communities.
hdesign look to source our products locally wherever possible, in support of community businesses and artisans. Not only does this reduce our carbon footprint and ensure that we are supporting local talent, but also means each property can be infused with something of the local character.
hdesign’s customers are important and valued. We are committed to transparency of process, allowing our customers to see the true value of the service being provided. hdesign’s customers are viewed as partners and are invited to play an important collaborative role during the project.
By listening to our customers, we are constantly evolving our processes and sourcing new products based on ongoing feedback. Customer service is our priority: the h design team are contactable at any stage of the process to answer any questions.
hdesign prides itself on offering fulfilling employment to its staff. We are committed to the training and development of our team, to help every employee reach their full potential and have a positive impact through their work. We treat all employees with respect, consideration and care, and encourage them to treat their co-workers in the same way. We strive to ensure that every team member feels heard and that their hard work is rewarded. hdesign sees every employee as equally valuable, and has a zero tolerance policy against workplace discrimination and harassment.

hdesign pledges to uphold a fair, equal, accessible and accountable recruitment process. We seek to recruit employees on the basis of their ability and the requirements of the post.
hdesign regards any form of discrimination as unlawful and completely unacceptable. The business prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability, gender, race, religion or belief, nationality, ethnicity, age, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, caring responsibilities or hours of work.
hdesign wholeheartedly believes that diversity adds value to the workplace. We are committed to treating all persons with respect, and to promoting awareness of and respect for diverse cultural and religious backgrounds.
Health & Safety
The health and safety of our employees, clients and supply chain is our priority. hdesign ensures that its workplaces are safe and healthy environments, by monitoring processes and assessing risk to ensure best practices are followed on all sites. Our employees are expected to emulate this ‘safety first’ attitude by conducting their roles responsibly and safely.
While no operation is entirely risk-free, hdesign is committed to keeping incidents to an absolute minimum. Where an incident does occur, we investigate and implement preventative measures to mitigate future risks.
Environmental & Product Integrity
hdesign works with our supply chain to ensure that the highest standards of product safety are maintained. We also take a proactive approach towards our secondary supply chains, by collaborating with our partners to ensure that their suppliers also reflect our commitment to safety, sustainability and quality.
Environmental Integrity
hdesign is committed to minimising our impact on the environment. We enact this by reducing our waste to landfill and recycling waste materials, organising our delivery fleet to be fuel-efficient and pursuing ‘green’ solutions in our designs wherever possible.
Product Integrity
We ensure that all materials used in our projects meet required safety legislation. This includes ensuring that our upholstery products meet the required fire retardancy standards, that our raw materials are quality-assured and sourced ethically.
hdesign has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and operates in full compliance with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 in all practices, business dealings and relationships.
We are actively committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery in any part of our business, including in our supply chains. hdesign upholds a rigorous supply chain compliance programme consisting of periodic supplier reviews, audits, and ongoing due diligence of all suppliers conducting business with hdesign.
To ensure that all employees feel equipped to identify and deal with any instances of slavery, we provide all employees with guidance on how to recognise and report slavery.